Wednesday 24 October 2012

My Thoughts on E-safety

The issue of e-safety in general is one that should get the attention of all technology users.  However, whenever the focus is on children, a higher level of attention is necessary, since they are among society's most vulnerable and should be protected at all cost.

 A few short years ago, parents were concerned about television and its impact on the minds of the young.  While this remains a factor, I think that there has been a shift, and the safety of our children as they interact online is now of paramount importance. 

While I concede that there is a lot that can be taught explicitly by discussing the risks involved, viewing videos, and so on, I am convinced that one of the best ways of fostering e-safety awareness in our students is by teaching through doing.  The modeling of desirable behaviors, and actively encouraging our students to do the same are essential elements of e-safety.  Above all, as teachers, we are to be constantly vigilant and employ "with-it-ness", so that as much as is humanly possible, we are aware of what our students are doing while they are in our care.  In this way, our students will learn to enjoy the technology through safe and confident use.

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