Monday 25 March 2013

Conclusions: ICT Integration in Developing Countries

The general opinion among my colleagues is that although it is not impossible for developing nations to compete with those that are developed in the matter of ICT integration, it will be extremely difficult for this to occur.  For sure, both parties will not be operating on a level playing field, since developed nations have many advantages, not the least of which are finances and expertise; hence any attempt at competition will undoubtedly be met with numerous challenges.

Of greater importance than the issue of competing, in my view, is the necessity of having well defined, workable ICT integration vision and goals.  The determination to succeed and hard work must accompany these if any progress is to be made.  Obviously, trying to reinvent the wheel is not only unnecessary but it is foolish.  As such, much can and should be learned from these same developed countries, thus avoiding many of the pitfalls that they encountered.  In so doing, there is really no need to compete, as the developing nations can now maximize the resources available to them and work within their limitations to achieve success at ICT integration.

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