Friday 2 May 2014

Activity 3: Reviewing Educational Software

The practical nature of this module continues to interest me. Activity 3 provided the opportunity for me to focus on criteria for evaluating educational software in very much the same way as I have evaluated textbooks in the past.  

In planning for our students, we can take nothing for granted.  Making the decision to use particular types of software in the classroom, requires that these selections not only suit our immediate purpose, but are those from which our students can benefit most.  I believe that exposure to this activity has given me the platform from which I can now launch into actually evaluating the materials that I choose to use in my classroom.  This, for me, is an essential part of my professional development. Although I did use my own criteria in selecting the educational software which I currently use in my classroom, this activity offers a more scientific method of reviewing and evaluating those that are available to me. 

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