Wednesday 12 June 2013


While many of us can acknowledge and appreciate the value of social media and social networking as an educational tool, there are others, including some educational administrators who hesitate at the mere thought.  This reluctance is not without basis, as these tools can be easily misused and abused.

Although I am a fan of social networking and have profiles in many of them, I am yet to use them optimally with my students for educational purposes. My reading has shown that, for instance, Facebook groups (check out mine on Facebook "Vincy Teachers") or class pages can be created, Twitter can be used for sending messages and reminders, class blogs can be created for a variety of purposes including reflection, journal writing, and professional collaboration can be established on Linkedin.

Clearly, the possibilities are numerous, and I have committed myself to turn what is now a hobby into an activity that will benefit me professionally.

Something to think about: Why has Facebook been blocked from the wireless networks in our Vincentian schools?

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